Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thank you, Minor & James Medical

I fired my UW doc a few months ago over a simple blood draw.  I guess it's more fair to say that I fired the  institution of the UW, which is sad because I worked for the UW for many, many years.  I kind of liked my doctor, too.  What pushed me over the edge was the clusterf*** I experienced just trying to get a BLOOD DRAW.  A blood draw!  It took me almost two weeks and 7 different phone calls just to walk into the UW Lab, and when I did, they were giant jerks.  I realized that if I had that much trouble with a blood draw, imagine what might happen if I needed something more serious.  I also felt that there was no excuse that the UW Lab, ironically located right next to the UW Transplant Clinic, had no clue how the donor process worked.

So, I now have a doc at Minor & James Medical.  Much smaller facility, and more contained.  I had to get yet another blood draw there yesterday--more donor process stuff.  It still confused the M&J Lab a little, but it was only 10 minutes of confusion as opposed to 10 days.  And they were nice to me, asked me questions about the transplant, and wished me luck.  I am now a loyal patient of Minor & James.  Need a new doctor?

Wow, this blog is good therapy.