Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Logan's progress

You may be curious about how my nephew is doing. The answer is "reasonably well." The kidney liked him pretty much right away. What I think complicates things is that his body and all of the functions we associate with eating and drinking are now completely upside down for him. He is doing for the first time many things you and I take for granted. That means a whole lot of new problems, but hopefully problems are about learning to do things for the long-term (such as eat) that won't require re-learning later. My sister can chime in if I'm not interpreting correctly. This transplant was a good thing for sure, but send your good wishes his way while he gets through these new challenges.

1 comment:

  1. Hey -- I came across your blog while searching for kidney images (Hello Kidney). Really wonderful story, I'm so glad you were able to be there for your nephew.

    I was set to donate one of mine to one of my dearest little people friends, but she passed away at 9 before I could. Now my kidneys are having issues -- the things we take for granted!

    Anyhow, thanks for an inspiring and funny blog.

